Sakura Review

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Current submissions will be considered for Sakura Review X. Read our mission statement to get a sense of our purpose. Click over to our featured work to better understand the work that has pleased us in the past, or purchase a digital issue.

For poetry, please submit no more than five poems, or ten pages, at one time. Send poems grouped in one file, not individually. Include the titles of all of these poems in the submission title field.

For prose, please submit only one piece at a time. We accept both fiction and creative nonfiction. We prefer shorter pieces (under 2,500 words), but we have been known to publish longer work occasionally, as well as flash fiction.

For translations, please follow the length guidelines for either poetry or prose, accordingly. We require that you obtain signed permission from the proper rights-holder to publish your piece(s) of translated work before submitting to Sakura Review.

Only previously unpublished work will be considered, including work that appears on blogs. We accept simultaneous submissions. Please do not send multiple submissions.

There is no need to include identifying information or a cover letter inside the submission file. You may use the Submittable cover letter field for those items and a bio.

Sakura Review